In this article, we will be focusing on the prime benefits of a Learning Record Store. If you’re in the eLearning field, you must be aware of these advantages, as xAPI is the future of the eLearning industry.
LRS or Learning Record Store is a modern tool developed for eLearning, which is redefining the learning process. You can say LRS is the backbone of eLearning. If you don’t know about LRS, then first read, What is Learning Record Store?
Advantages of LRS
There can be many benefits of an LRS, but we will be talking about the most important ones only.
1. You Own the Data
When you’re using an LMS, do you think you own the data? Today, it is the biggest concern of every eLearning expert or a company. When you’re using an LMS, your data is in the hold of LMS provider, you see reports, but your data is in captivity of LMS.
With an LRS, it is easy to download, pull using Experience API, or transfer it to another LRS.
2. Using a standard (xAPI)
Any content, application, software or device that can send HTTP request can usually format the data correctly and make use of Experience API to send the data to the LRS.
Once it supports sending the data using xAPI, it can send the data to any LRS. Hence, the integration is not confined to a particular LMS. Source of data can be anything, and it can go to any LRS.
This opens up a lot of possibilities, limited only by your imagination.
3. Organized Data Store
As its name suggests, it is a store where data of learners experience is stored. The data could be coming from various sources like online courses, games, website, or simulation.
You can use this data in various ways for different types of studies. In LRS, you get all this data in an organized way, and you can perform multiple operations to get the desired output.
4. Hosting to Cloud
You can install and host the Learning Record Store on your hosting server where you have to manage the server and database. But in this age of cloud computing, you can use Cloud LRS such as GrassBlade Cloud LRS.
You have to pay a monthly or yearly fee depending upon usage. It makes it very easy to use.
5. Built for Everyone
The usage of LRS is just not confined to school and colleges, but everywhere you see scope for tracking. You can use LRS to store the data. You can use it in every industry and domain.
Also, it is already widely used by IT, healthcare, and manufacturing companies for training purposes. Even schools and colleges are using it for secure collection and assessment of students data.
6. Learner’s Insight
As per the Experience API (xAPI) Spec, the LRS is meant to store, and communicate data via the Experience API spec. A user interface or analytics platform is not a requirement.
However, most of the LRSes today include some form of user interface as well as an analytics dashboard. It gives you a clear understanding of your learner’s progress.
You can check what segments are they watching? On which part, of course, learners spend the most time? Also, you can see answers to the quiz and responses of the given essay assessment.
7. Improves Your Content
Once you start understanding your learner’s behavior deeply, you get better ways to engage your learners.
You can fill gaps and put the right efforts in the right place. It will personalize your content according to the learner’s need, and this is the hidden gold of LRS.
LRS is helping technology in analyzing learner’s progress and updating course material. It makes the course more practical and learner-friendly. Overall it saves your precious time.
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