We are working on Advanced Video Tracking with xAPI Video Profile from the last year. As you might know, it is already implemented in GrassBlade xAPI Companion, GrassBlade Cloud LRS, and installable GrassBlade LRS.
To provide some useful information about video content performance, we added a new video report in the GrassBlade Cloud LRS.
With this extended version of the video reporting, you can get a quick insight into the overall performance.
Let’s take a look at this screenshot
Key Report Indicators
The top section mainly consists of four key elements:
1. Learner
- Total Learners: It shows the total number of learner attempted the video content or say played the content.
- Time on Video: It is the average time spent on the video content per learner.
2. Session
- Total Sessions: It is the total number of times video played by the learners.
- Time on Video: The average time spent by the learner in every session.
3. Time
- Video Length: It is the full length of the video.
- Time on Video: It is the total time spent by all the learners while watching the video.
4. Completion
- Learners Completed: It shows the total number of learner completed the video out of the total number of learners attempted the video content.
- Progress per user: It is the overall progress of the leaners.
To view this report, go to your GrassBlade Cloud LRS > All Activities > Select any video activity and expand the Video Report tab.
Try it yourself in GrassBlade Cloud LRS
User: demo.nextsoftwaresolutions.com
Password: demo
Currently, it only available in the cloud version of the LRS, later we will push an update for the selected installable GrassBlade LRS versions.
This is one of the smallest steps towards rich and visual reporting from #TeamGrassBlade.
If you have some suggestions or want new features in GrassBlade products feel free to comment below. Our developers would love to add them to the development board.
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