Manual Completions for LearnDash

Estimated reading time: 1 min

Follow these steps to use the Manual Completions for LearnDash plugin. You need GrassBlade xAPI Companion to use this plugin.

This plugin provides the two ways to select the users and course lesson, topic and quiz for completion

  1. Step Form
  2. CSV Upload

We will use both steps one by one.

Select via Step Form

Step 1:
Go to WordPress Dashboard > GrassBlade > Manual Completions

Step 2:
Select Course > Lesson/Topic/Quiz

Step 3:
Select the User you want to complete the above step.

Step 4:
Now you can Mark Complete or Check Completion of the course. Also, you can select all the rows in the table and click the Process Selected Completion option to complete steps in the bulk.

Select via CSV Upload

Step 1:
Create a CSV file as the example given below.


You can find the “ID” in the edit page URL of the user/course/lesson/topic/quiz.

Leave fields blank if you do not want to select an option.


User1 or

Step 2:
Go to WordPress Dashboard > GrassBlade > Manual Completions

Step 3:
Click the Choose File option and select the file from your PC/Computer.

Step 4:
Click the Upload button process the selection.

Step 5:
Now you can Mark Complete or Check Completion of the course steps.
Also, you can select all the rows in the table and click the Process Selected Completion option to complete steps in the bulk.

If you’re facing any issues while using this feature, feel free to contact us.

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4 thoughts on “Manual Completions for LearnDash”

  1. Hello – I’m having trouble with this plugin not working for me. In the past, it’s been very seamless. However, I am now having a student with an issue and when I go through the motions above including finding the course, lesson, and student but it when I click, “mark complete”. I get the error message that the completion has failed. Any info you could provide would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Curt,
      Please create a support ticket from this link:

      Include the following information so we can do a better inspection in less time:

      1. Plugin Version (GrassBlade xAPI Companion, Manual Completion for LearnDash and LearnDash LMS)
      2. If possible share a screen recording of the process you’re following.
      3. Share admin credentials in the ticket so we can test, include the course name, lesson, and username of the learner.

      Team GrassBlade

  2. Hello! So the CSV file is just to make the list of users appear at the bottom of the page, and then you manually have to click on the “Mark Complete” button in order to complete it? Is there a way to mark as completed in bulk just by uploading the CSV file, without having to manually click the button?

    1. Hi Nico,
      Yes, it select the users and course and then you can click one by one or select the all the items in the list and then click the “Process Selected Completions” button to process all at once.


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