To upload your Articulate Storyline 360 developed HTML5, xAPI, and SCORM Content on WordPress, follow the simple steps given below.
Table of Content
- Export with xAPI reporting
- Export with SCORM reporting
- Export without reporting
- Upload content package
- GrassBlade xAPI Companion plugin
- Articulate Storyline Tool
- GrassBlade Cloud LRS or installable GrassBlade LRS (Only For Reporting)
First, we need to export Articulate Storyline 360 content with the right settings. There are 2 ways we can follow:
- Export Content with Reporting (xAPI and SCORM Standard)
- Export Content without Reporting (HTML5)
We will learn about both ways one by one. Let’s start.
Export Content with xAPI/Tin Can API Reporting
Step 1:
Launch Articulate Storyline Tool and open your content.
Step 2:
Click the Publish button.

Step 3:
Select LMS/LRS from the right side tab, enter a title and description.
Step 4:
Check the box called Report to an LMS and select xAPI (Tin Can xAPI) as an LMS standard.
Step 5:
Click the Reporting and Tracking.

Recommend External LRS Configuration: Manual LRS
Learn more
Step 6:
Enter a unique identifier in the Activity ID field.

This is the field the GrassBlade LRS will use to track your xAPI Content statements, so make sure it is unique. If you use the (random) default ID, it will work but will be difficult to identify your xAPI contents in the LRS statement list. Click ok to save the settings
Make sure it is set as index_lms.html to get proper tracking data.
Step 7:
Select Tracking Tab, now we have 2 options:
- Track using no. of slides viewed. (Choose, if you want completion on basis of slides viewed by the user.)
- Track using quiz results. If
- There is only one result slide then set it as Final Assessment.
- If there are two or three result slides then set them accordingly.
Learn More:
– New quiz tracking options in Storyline 360
– 4 Ways to use New Tracking options in Storyline 360

Step 8:
After reporting settings, click OK to save.
Step 9:
Click the Publish button to export the content.

Step 10:
Click the Zip option to make a zip of that content and save it, because we need zip for uploading.

You have successfully exported the Articulate Storyline Content with xAPI reporting settings.
A Quick Tip for Rich Quiz Reporting
While creating a quiz for your Storyline course, make sure you added a question title via the Form View option. It will send rich data (title) in xAPI statements and help you in understanding user progress in a clear manner.

Export Content with SCORM Reporting
GrassBlade xAPI Companion also supports SCORM 1.2 and all the editions of SCORM 2004. However, we recommend exporting your content as an xAPI package for better reporting and future requirements.
If you still want to export with SCORM reporting setting, just replace settings with these options in the above process.
Recommended Settings for SCORM 1.2
Step 4:
From the Output options, select SCORM 1.2 and click the Reporting and Tracking Options button.
Step 4a:
From LMS Reporting, select Passed/Failed option. Now you can jump to Step 7.

Recommended Settings for SCORM 2004
Step 4:
From the Output options, select SCORM 2004 and click the Reporting and Tracking Options button.
Step 4a:
Select Edition of your choice.
Step 4b:
From LMS Reporting, select Passed/Failed option. Now you can jump to Step 7.

Export Content without Reporting
Step 1:
Click the Publish button.

Step 2:
Select the Web tab from the right sidebar.

Step 3:
Enter the title and description of your choice.
Step 4:
Click the Publish button to save content without reporting.

Step 5:
Click the Zip option to make a zip of that content and save it, because we need zip for uploading.

You have successfully exported Articulate Storyline content without any reporting.
Upload Content on WordPress
To upload and embed content on WordPress we will use the GrassBlade xAPI Companion plugin.
Read: How to upload xAPI content with GrassBlade xAPI Companion?
Once you upload your content, you can read (Using uploaded xAPI Content on Page, Lesson, Topic or Quiz) to use uploaded xAPI Content on WordPress.
If you’re facing any issues while uploading your xAPI Content, feel free to contact us. For more latest tips and tricks follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
This just is not working for me. When I select the xAPI content from Dropdown meta window — nothing shows up on the page. If Use the shortcode it does show up on the page but — it will not mark complete. I am willing to pay for some coaching. Please help.
Hi Michael,
Are you using a page builder like Elementor?
Then please follow this article. https://www.nextsoftwaresolutions.com/kb/page-builders-grassblade-xapi-companion/
If that is not the case, then please create a support ticket and include the screenshot or screen capture of the issue for better support.