WooCommerce Visibility Control Logo

Visibility Control for WooCommerce addon helps you hide messages and content for specific criterion anywhere on your WordPress page.

Show/hide specific HTML elements based on user’s access to a product or variation.

Show/hide specific HTML elements based on user’s logged-in or logged-out status.

Show/hide HTML elements to users having a certain role. Example: customer

You simply need to add a CSS class to your element div or span. 

Login/Logout Status

Show element to a logged-in user

Add this CSS class: visible_to_logged_in OR hidden_to_logged_out

Hide element from a logged-in user

Add this CSS class: visible_to_logged_out OR hidden_to_logged_in

Purchased a Product

Example Product ID or Variation ID: 123

Show element to users purchased the product

Add this CSS class: visible_to_product_123

Hide element from users purchased the product

Add this CSS class: hidden_to_product_123

For Specific Roles

Show element to user role administrator

Add this CSS class: visible_to_role_administrator

Hide element to user role administrator

Add this CSS class: hidden_to_role_administrator


  • To show an element to multiple specific roles only, you need to add the element multiple times, one for each role.
  • To hide an element/menu from specific multiple roles only you can add the element once add multiple classes to the same element.
  • Change administrator to subscriber or student or editor or any other WordPress/Custom roles.


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